I’m excited about playing all your favorites again this season, along with lots of new music. I’ve already added around a couple hundred new songs to our library, and it’s still early, so I imagine there will be plenty more new stuff to come.
You can click above on New For 2024, and that should give you a good idea of a lot of the new music we’re playing this season. That page covers a lot of it, but by no means does it cover it all. I’m sure there are releases I’ve already missed, and as things get busier and busier, there will probably be others that I don’t get a chance to post there. It’s not intentional, and my apologies for any that I have already missed, or that I miss over the next month or two.
I would like to also mention the singers and bands that are supporting us this season. The Sounds of Christmas doesn’t run a lot of commercials, and what we do run mostly just keeps the station going. It’s never been a big money-maker, and it was never meant to be. It’s just a way I can share my love of Christmas music with as many as I can, and if I can do that without it costing me a small fortune, all the better.
You’re going to have the opportunity, if you choose, to meet a lot of the singers and musicians who are supporting us this season on upcoming episodes of the Sounds of Christmas podcast, but I’d like to take a few moments and introduce them to you.
First, a huge thank you to those who are returning. These people have been with us for multiple seasons, and I’m very grateful that somehow we found each other and share our love of Christmas music!
This year, there are eighteen artists that are supporting us, and fourteen of them have been with us at least one time before!

Russ Lorenson first advertised with us in 2015, when he released his second Christmas album, In The Holiday Spirit. Very happy to have him back with us again for In The Holiday Spirit's 9th anniversary (and the eighteenth anniversary of that first Christmas release, What I Want For Christmas).

Laurie Berkner is back for her fifth time. Recently, she released her second Christmas album Another Laurie Berkner Christmas. Her previous Christmas album, A Laurie Berkner Christmas, came out around ten years ago, so she said she thought it was time for a sequel.

Lauren Daigle is also back for her fifth time. Recently, she collected all the tracks from her Christmas album Behold, added in the bonus tracks from special editions, along with some singles, for Behold: The Complete Set.

Paul Kelly is back this year for his fourth time! He released his first ever Christmas album, Paul Kelly’s Christmas Train four years ago, which included an updated version of his popular classic "How To Make Gravy"! And last year, he added two new songs to his album, “White Wine In The Sun” and “Cherry Tree Carol”, to what was already a massive collection!

Linda Imperial is also back for her fourth time. She has a new original Christmas single called “Christmas In The Tropics”, and she’s previously released “Christmas, You And Me” and a version of her favorite Christmas song - “Little Drummer Boy”.

David Arkenstone is back for his second year, following last year’s release of the album Winterlüde. David has released around 80 studio albums in his amazing career, along with soundtracks and video game scores, including a number of songs for World of Warcraft. He’s also released many Christmas and Christmas-themed albums, and is heading out on his “Winter’s Eve” tour with David Arkenstone and Friends, which kicks off December 1!

Singer/songwriter Michelle Malone is back for her second year, following last year’s Christmas album with the Hot Toddies, called Toddie Time, which follows a previous Christmas single, a Christmas album (and lots of other Christmas goodies on her website)!

Carpenters Legacy joins us with their first Christmas album, Christmastime With You, an amazing tribute to the Carpenters that includes all your favorites, plus the original title track, done in the style of the Carpenters, too!

Fans Of Jimmy Century, who you may already have met in a Halloween episode of this podcast, are joining us for their first time with the release of their first holiday album A Coupla Holiday Spirits (Halloween Perils and Christmas Carols). You probably heard tracks from the Halloween side of their album in October when we were the Sounds of Halloween. Now that the new season has started, you’ll get to hear their Christmas songs!

And finally, Judith Owen joins us with her latest Christmas release Judith Owen Swings Christmas, a very cool, jazzy album that will keep you moving throughout the season, It follows last year’s “Winter Wonderland” EP and the previous holiday release “Christmas In July”.
I probably should take this opportunity to let you know, just in case you’re new to us (and also just in case you’re not new but you don’t remember), how to listen to the Sounds of Christmas.
There are three pretty simple ways to tune in.
First, simply click on the player on the front page of our website. This way, you can listen to us as long as you're on that page, even if you open other windows.
Second, you can click on the tree on our front page. That opens a pop-up player, so you can keep listening to us whether you stay on our website, or go to check your email, Facebook, etc. You can keep listening as long as you keep that pop-up player open.
Both of those options are also available on the Listen Now page. I also want to mention that some browsers don’t show the player, and in those cases, you’ll only be able to click the tree for our pop-up player.
And third, you can download our free app in the Google Play store (for your Android device), and take us with you wherever you go!
I know that you may not be ready for Christmas music, yet, but when you are, we're ready for you! The Sounds of Christmas is playing the best variety of Christmas music, with all your favorite tunes and favorite artists, along with hundreds of brand new songs!
Thanks so much for your support! And may you always believe in Santa Claus!