Part of the reason I originally started this station was because I felt that, year after year, there are lots and lots of great Christmas music that never gets on the radio. Instead, it's often the safe list of songs you know by heart (and that you're sick of by the first of December).
So far for 2019, I've added over 500 new songs to our library. And there's new stuff coming out every day!
I've taken some of the best of it and am going to showcase it this coming weekend for a New Music Weekend! All day Saturday and Sunday, you'll get nothing but newly released songs. Some are from artists you know and love, and some are from singers and bands you may not have ever heard of. Some songs you'll know, and some will be new to you.
While everything we play this coming weekend will be new, some of it may not seem so new. There's a Stone Temple Pilots song that they recorded live over twenty years ago, but it now getting an official release (on the anniversary edition of "Purple"). Also, you'll hear Bing Crosby, Dean Martin and Doris Day (among others) - they're all featured on new releases where their original vocals have been used with newly-arranged music performed by the London Symphony Orchestra (for Bing) and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (for the others).
You'll also hear new songs from artists a little more current, the Jonas Brothers, Adam Lambert and Idina Menzel. Plus artists that fall somewhere in between, like Chicago, Mariah Carey and Robbie Williams. And many others that you may be hearing for the first time!
I hope you like what you hear. And if you come across something that you really love, I hope you click on it and buy it (or Shazam it so you can go grab it later)!
Thanks so much for spending part of your holiday with us! Hope you always believe in Santa Claus!